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fun in rome // the muffin myth

Another shot from our weekend in Rome. I have no idea what’s going on in this sign, but I like it a lot.

What’s good around the web is a weekly series where I share some of what I’ve been reading around the web. Each week I post links to five nutrition related articles, good recipes, and just general good reads. I hope you enjoy it! If you’ve got at article or recipe you’d like to see featured, please email me.


1. Have you heard the news? Fruit and veg consumption can save your life! And 7 is the new 5. Eat your veg!

2. Why keeping weight off, not losing it, is the real success story.

3. Another win for nuts: almonds, and their skins, show prebiotic potential.

4. The top 5 things you should know about the new nutrition labels.

5. Fad diets work. But not why you think. 

And, and oldie but a goodie from The Muffin Myth archives. I whipped up a batch of these apple butter oat bars this afternoon after a freezer clean out (cooked old apple sauce down to apple butter). Still as good now as it was then!

All text and photos © The Muffin Myth 2014